I am dotcom man. I am that which I most loath. I've given up social skills and social concience for stock options and bandwidth I will own an SUV so that I can take my great cross country trip of a lifetime ...to 7-11 I will own an exotic sportscar that I drive around in with my shirt unbuttoned -just so- so I look like a 50's mafia boss. I will buy the latest bright flashy toy to replace last weeks bright flashy toy which I will then throw out. I will spend 90% of my waking moments working. The other 10% I will spend on my cellphone while eating in a flashy expensive restaurant. I will move into your neighborhood. ...My friends will move into your neighborhood. ...You wont be able to afford your neighborhood anymore. I will knock down the house you grew up in so I can build a swimming pool that I'll never be home to use. I will complain about the noise until they close your clubs. I will complain about the lights until they close your stores. I will homogenize your culture until its bland enough for me. I am dotcom man. I am that which you must hate. I am that which you must stop.