[Scene Six] [Starting location is inside Space Ship ( van )] Bib : Well, here's the place the guy told us to try, seven-one-one. Doog : He called it seven-eleven. Bib : Strange. Well, lets hope they have beer. [ Bib&Doog exit vehical and enter 7-11. Both walk in, look around, and approach front counter ] Bib : Excuse me sir.. Clerk : Yes? Doog : Do you have any beer. Clerk : No, I don't. Big&Doog : You Don't?!?! Clerk : No, I don't. I'm not allowed to drink on the job. Bib : Oh, oh, oh... Do you SELL beer? Clerk : Yes, it's back there with the cold drinks. [ Clerk Motions toward back of store ] Bib : Thanks! [ Bib and Doog stumble towards back of store and wind up at Motor Oil display, Doog inspects bottle of Motor oil, unscrews cap and takes a sniff... Clerk notices and yells from Front of store ] Clerk : Thats not beer! Thats motor oil! Beers in the glass case. [ Doog screws cap onto bottle and places on shelf, bib and doog amble towards beer section. They start looking at shelves of beer ] Bib : Well, what type of Earth beer do you want to try? Doog : That guy told us to get a "suitcase of The Beast" Bib : Yeah, but I don't see anything called "Beast" Doog : Heres something called Moosehead... that looks like a beast of some sort. Bib : And heres something called Schlitz Malt Liqour Bull. Thats got a beast on it. Doog : [ to clerk at Counter ] Hey! Do y'all have something called "A suitcase of The Beast". Clerk : See those big boxes on the bottom shelf.. Doog : Uh-Huh Clerk : The ones Labeled Milwalkees Best... Doog : Uh-Huh Clerk : Those are suitcases of Beast. Doog : Oh... [pause] Why's it called The Beast? Clerk : Drink a Box. When you wake up, thats what you feel like. [ Bib and Doog imeediatly remove 2 boxes each ] Doog : Should we get anything else? Bib : Lets look again real quick... [ Scans shelves again. Happens to see can of Fosters Lager ] Bib : Oh My! [ Removes can from case. Cradles can at arms length. Doog sees can, look of surprise then total blind worship. Doog then sinks to both knees. ] Bib&Doog : The Beer Messiah! [ Bib passes can to doog, who sets it on floor. Bib pulls more cans from display and passes them until small pyramid is formed. Bib then kneels like doog ] Bib : We have found the Beer Messiah... we must worship! [ While reciting chant, Bib and Doog both bow repeatably to beer ] Doog : Oh great ghods of the carbinated way, Bib : Listen to our thanks on this greatful day, Doog : We've travelled many galaxies, and much beer has been drunk, Bib : And the rumors of the messiah, we've considered much bunk, Doog : But now, here on Dirt, our quest is at an end, Bib : And now for forgiveness, our knees we must bend, Doog : Though we are unworthy, you've given us this gift, Bib : So now we're your servents, our lives yours to risk. Bib&Doog : Amen. [ Both Stand ] Voice From Above : Bib, Doog... Bib&Doog : [surprised] Y-y-yess? Voice From Above : Partake of this gift, the Fosters Lager... Big&Doog : Thank you oh fermented one! Voice From Above : ..but then you must destroy the evil Android, for he threatens all the Universe... Doog : {wavering} Do we -have- to? Voice From Above : Yes, you must. His evil is strong, and if not stopped, he will destroy all the humans that carry the Tititual Genetic Code, which would be very bad. Bib : Just what is this Tititual Genetic Code? Voice From Above : There is coming, the second Singularity. When it arrives, all the the beings carrying the tititual Genetic Code will combine into one great being.. The Almighty Galactic BeerMeister! Bib&Doog : Ooooooo.... Voice From Above : The Galactic BeerMeister will then brew the Beer that will bring peace to the Universe. Bib : How many beings are left that carry the code? Voice : Many Thousands, however, you must not allow the android to destroy more then 5 more. The Android and his evil Master have already destroyed the other 7 planets containing the Tititual code. Bib : Was that why the Planet of the Nubile Young Stewardesses was destroyed? Voice : No, that planet was destroyed because none of them would go out with the Master. You don't have much time.Gather your beer and go! The fate of the Universe is in your hands. [ Bib and Doog both stare at the ceiling for a few more moments ] Doog : You heard him, lets get this beer and go! The hero stuff is thirsty business! Bib : Yah. [Bib and Doog gather their armada of Beer and start towards front of store.. screen fades out... ] End of Scene 6.