I am trapped inside a dream that I cannot escape, that I do not want to escape. I am in a garden, it is overcast yet vibrantly green. Dampness clings to everything and everything is seen in crystal detail. The walkway is worn grey stone leading through thorny roses and bushes showing attempts at shaping in the recent past. There is a birdbath filled but deserted, too cold for birds today. I don't sense any wind in this dream, the air is cold and still breath hangs for a moment in the air. The walkway winds through this garden with seemingly no plan, occasionally branching to a sundial or stone benches hidden in the growth. Eventually it leads to a low stone wall the same gray as the walkway. An iron gate is open, beyond the wall is more green, the green of trees. The smell of this place is that light smell of vegetation with a hint of flowers and herbs hanging in a crisp air as if after a thunderstorm. I get the feeling I am not alone, but I don't know who is there. I want to look but I am afraid that looking will break the spell, that I will awaken from this dream. I want to reach out, to hold a hand, to continue the walk in this garden forever in this garden that doesn't exist with this peace I cannot have this place that I can only escape to for brief moments but that never lets me go 1/20/09