Green Arrow
 Characteristics    Disadvantages

 20 STR    10          20 Overconfident
 26 DEX    48          20 Psych: Brash Blowhard (he's bought this down
 18 CON    16             recently)
 13 BOD     6           5 Love: Dinah Lance 
 23 INT    13          15 Public ID: Oliver Queen)
 17 EGO    14          10 Dist. Features: One-Arm 
 23 PRE    13                 (sometimes borrows a bionic)
 16 COM     3          10 Phys.Limit: One Arm Missing
  8 PD      4
  8 ED      4
  5 SPD    14
  8 REC     -
 36 END     -
 32 STN     -        = 145

    36 Multipower: 90 active points, OIF, 4charges/slot
     4 u 12d6 Explosive Eb "Explosive Arrow"
     3 u 3d6+1 AP RKA vs Pd No KB "Normal Arrowhead"
     3 u 4d6 Penetrating RKA vs Pd No KB "Drill Arrow"
     2 u 45 Str AOE Radius TK, Only vs Metal (-1) Only Towards Center (-1/4)
          "Magnetic Arrow"
     3 u 9d6 Entangle, Only 1 Body (-1/2) "Bolo Arrow"
     4 u 9d6 Flash "Flare Arrow"
     4 u 6d6 Entangle AOE hex "Net Arrow"
     4 u 15d6 Dispel AOE Radius (5") "Fire Extinguisher Arrow"
     4 u 3 1/2d6 Entangle Sticky AOE Radius (3") "Glue Arrow"
     4 u 6d6 NND AOE radius (3" R), def=5pt Life support "Tear Gas Arrow"
     4 u Darkness vs Sight Group, 5" Radius, Uncontrolled, ! 2ch/1turn ea
           "Smoke Arrow"

     2 +1" running
     Martial Arts (generic)
       5 Defensive Strike +1 OCV +3 DCV Strike, 8d6
       5 Offensive Strike -2 +1 Strike, 12d6
       4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
       4 Dodge - +5 Abort
       3 Martial Grab -1 -1 +10 Str to Hold
    16 4 Martial Damage Classes

    20 2 Overall levels
    20 4 levels w/Multipower

     6 Breakfall, Stealth 14-
    15 Criminology, Forensic Med, Concealment, Deduction, Paramedics 12-
     5 Weaponsmith: Bows & Arrows 12-
 = 180 (Total: 325 character points, 45 in disadvantages)

Oliver's quiver of arrows is OIF, but the bow is OAF. If his bow is taken away he can still throw arrows by hand (-1 OCV/1", max range 5"). The smoke arrows have the same charge limitation as the rest of the multipower (-1), but it is 2 charges of 1 turn duration each rather than four arrows. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Write-up copyright © 1995 by Sam Bell (; Permission granted to duplicate and transmit, as long as this note is not removed.
ORIGIN: DC comics TACTICS: smiping COSTUME: not anymore PERSONALITY: grim BACKGROUND NOTES: This is Green Arrow post-Dark-Knight. He's been through the DC universe collapse and the loss of almost all his friends. The one gem in his life was finding Dinah still alive.