|VALUE CHARACTERISTIC COST BASE  PTS|NAME: Leonid Kovar                      |
|   67 Strength         x1    10  57|HERO ID: RED=STAR                       |
|   19 Dexterity        x3    10  27|PLAYER:                                 |
|   38 Constitution     x2    10  56|----------------------------------------+
|   17 Body             x2    10  14| PTS             POWERS              END|
|   13 Intelligence     x1    10   3|  23 Elemental Control (Fire) (23)      |
|   25 Ego              x2    10  30|24a) 16" Flight (Fire),x16 Non-Combat  3|
|   25 Presence         x1    10  15|15b) 6D6 Absorption (Fire),"heat,       |
|   22 Comeliness       x1/2  10   6|     fire, laser, solar, luminous,      |
|   41 Physical Defens  x1    13  28|     plasma, radiation",14 Max          |
|   42 Energy Defense   x1     8  34|     Increase,vs SFX (one power),       |
|    4 Speed            x10  2.9  11|     Always On(-1/2)                    |
|   21 Recovery         x2    21   0|58c) 8D6 Energy Blast (Fire),No         |
|   78 Endurance        x1/2  76   1|     Range(-1/2),Damage Shield(+1/2),   |
|   81 Stun             x1    70  11|     Area Effect(+3/4),selective        |
|       Characteristics Cost:    293|     target,x1 Armor Piercing(+1/2)   11|
+-----------------------------------+   7 1 LVLS Density Increase,Always     |
|DISADVANTAGES         BASE: 200+PTS|     On(-1/2),0 END Persistent(+1)     0|
|Vulnerability,"lead or iron      10|   7 1 LVLS Growth,Always On(-1/2),0    |
| weapons",common,x1 1/2 stun       |     END Persistent(+1)                0|
|Vulnerability,"magic water or     5|  25 20/20 Damage Resistance,x1         |
| ice based attacks",uncommon,x1    |     Hardened(+1/4)                     |
| 1/2 stun                          |   4 8" Running                        2|
|Psychological Limitation,        20|   3 Acrobatics 13-                     |
| "Dedicated To Crime-fighting",    |   3 Tactics 12-                        |
| common,total                      |   3 Stealth 13-                        |
|Psychological Limitation,        10|   3 Climbing 13-                       |
| "Sentimental",common,moderate     |  16 WF,Common Melee,Common Missile,    |
|Psychological Limitation,        10|     Small Arms,Heavy Weapons           |
| "Nostalgic about Old Mother       |  20 2 Levels,all skills                |
| Russia",common,moderate           |  16 2 Levels,all combat                |
|Psychological Limitation,         5|   3 Computer Programming 12-           |
| "Homesick For The DC              |   3 Combat Piloting 13-                |
| Universe",uncommon,moderate       |   2 TF,Planes,Small Spaceships         |
|Distinctive Features,"Large      15|   3 Scientist                          |
| Dense Hot Man",concealable,       |   1 SC: Software, Multi-Media,         |
| major                             |     Arti.Intell. 11-                   |
|Hunted,"by KGB RGU Red Army",as  15|   1 SC: Cybernetics 11-                |
| powerful,non-combat influence,    |   2 AK: Europe & america 11-           |
| limited area,harsh,appear 11-     |   3 Lang: English,fluent w/accent      |
|Hunted,"by HYDRA, LEGION",as     20|   6 2 Levels,tight group               |
| powerful,non-combat influence,    |   5 Justice League of Alabama          |
| harsh,appear 11-                  |     Donations                          |
|Hunted,"by Ogre, Grond",as       15|  22 Life Support (Fire),doesn't        |
| powerful,harsh,appear 11-         |     breathe,safe in vacuum/pressure,   |
|Public ID,"Leonid Kovar"         10|     safe in radiation,safe in          |
|Experience                      150|     heat/cold,immune to disease        |
|                                   |  13 +8" Superleap (Mutant Powers),x4   |
|                                   |     Non-Combat                        3|
|                                   |                                        |
|          Disadvantages Total : 285| 291 : Powers Total                     |
|             Experience Spent +  99| 293 + Characteristic Total             |
|                 Total Points = 584| 584 = Total Cost                       |