|VALUE CHARACTERISTIC COST BASE  PTS|NAME: Gillian O'Hara                    |
|   26 Strength         x1    10  16|HERO ID: Scarlett                       |
|   26 Dexterity        x3    10  48|PLAYER:   Guier                         |
|   34 Constitution     x2    10  48|----------------------------------------+
|   13 Body             x2    10   6| PTS             POWERS              END|
|   13 Intelligence     x1    10   3|  75 Variable Power Pool (60),only      |
|   26 Ego              x2    10  32|     change in given circ,no choice     |
|   26 Presence         x1    10  16|     how powers change,restricted       |
|   26 Comeliness       x1/2  10   8|     type of powers,Limited Power       |
|   13 Physical Defens  x1     5   8|     (-1/2),Rule of "X" on              |
|   15 Energy Defense   x1     7   8|     Time/Amount(+1/2)                  |
|    5 Speed            x10  3.6  14| 144 6D6 Transfer,"Maximum to Fade      |
|   12 Recovery         x2    12   0|     Rate: 5 years",20 Max Increase,    |
|   68 Endurance        x1/2  68   0|     fade rate: per 5 minutes,vs SFX    |
|   43 Stun             x1    43   0|     (all powers),Always On(-1/2),      |
|       Characteristics Cost:    207|     Limited Power(-1/2),No Conscious   |
+-----------------------------------+     Control(-2),Limited Power(-1/2),   |
|DISADVANTAGES         BASE: 150+PTS|     Continuous(+1),Invisible Power     |
|Physical Limitation,"bad         10|     Effects(+1/2),0 END Persistent     |
| dreams",infrequently,greatly      |     (+1),Rule of "X" on Time/Amount    |
|Enraged,"if double-teamed",very  18|     (+1/2)                            0|
| common,occur 14-,recover 8-       |  26 13/13 Armor,OIF(-1/2)              |
|Distinctive Features,            25|  10 Clairsentience (Mutant Powers),    |
| "gorgeous",not concealable,       |     Sight Group,see future,see past,   |
| extreme                           |     Extra Time(-1),time: 5 minutes,    |
|Distinctive Features,"Big Big    25|     only to start power,sleep(-3/4),   |
| Hair",not concealable,extreme     |     No Conscious Control(-2),Side      |
|Hunted,"LEGION",more powerful,   30|     Effects(-1/2),x5 Increased End     |
| non-combat influence,harsh,       |     Cost(-2)                         35|
| appear 14-                        |   3 5 Flash Defense (Mutant Powers),   |
|Secret ID,"Gillian O'Hara"       15|     Sight Group,OIF(-1/2)              |
|Physical Limitation,"powers      20|  12 4D6 Hand-To-Hand Attack (Mutant    |
| always on - no intimacy",all      |     Powers)                           1|
| the time,greatly                  |   3 10 Mental Defense                  |
|Psychological Limitation,        25|     (electo\ronic),OIF(-1/2)           |
| "variable one",very common,       |  10 10 Power Defense (Mutant           |
| total                             |     Powers),"Physique Integrity        |
|Psychological Limitation,        25|     Power"                             |
| "variable two",very common,       |  10 +5" Running (Mutant Powers)       1|
| total                             |   5 +5" Swimming (Mutant Powers)      1|
|Mystery Disad                    20|   5 +5" Superleap (Mutant Powers)     2|
|Soaked From King Crabber         60|  12 4 Levels: hand powers: touch &     |
|                                   |     hand-atk,tight group               |
|                                   |                                        |
|          Disadvantages Total : 273| 315 : Powers Total                     |
|             Experience Spent +  99| 207 + Characteristic Total             |
|                 Total Points = 522| 522 = Total Cost                       |

ORIGIN: mutant teenager TACTICS: shouting and yelling, then flailing COSTUME: red PERSONALITY: variable BACKGROUND NOTES: Scarlett was great, until she got possessed and turned selfish and tried a power-grab and died. Best Quote: "Get Your Hands off her you Bitch!"