Name: Buffy Robot Val Char Cost 33 STR 23 20 DEX 30 21 CON 22 12 BODY 4 8 INT -2 1 EGO -18 18 PRE 8 18 COM 4 9 PD 2 8 ED 4 4 SPD 10 11 REC 0 42 END 0 40 STUN 0 Characteristic Rolls: STR: 16-, DEX: 13-, CON: 13-, INT: 11-, EGO: 9-, PER: 11- Run: 6/10", Swim: 2", Jump: 7", Lift: 2425kg Cost Powers END/Roll 12 Armor (4 PD/4 ED) 13 Life Support (10) Need Not Breathe (3) Immune to Disease 18 Mental Defense (18 pts); Add to Total 8 Running (+4", 10", NC: 20"); Non-Combat Multiplier: ×2, +0; Non-Combat (MPH): 12 2 Cost Skills, Talents, Perks Roll 3 Absolute Time Sense 3 Acrobatics 13- 1 Contortionist 8- 3 Knowledge Skill: Sexual positions and practices. 12- 2 Professional Skill: Cook 11- 75+ Disadvantages 5 Distinctive Features: Blonde valley girl.; Concealability: Easily, 5; Reaction: Noticed and Recognizable, +0 10 Phys. Lim.: Only heals BOD when repaired. (Infrequently, Greatly) 10 Phys. Lim.: Limited understanding of real life. (Frequently, Slightly) 20 Psych. Lim.: In love with Spike. (Common, Total) 15 Secret Identity: Robot 5 1d6 Unluck 10 Watched: by the other Scoobies. (11-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: Extensive, +5; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Actions: Only Watching, ×½; Punishment: Mild, -5 OCV: 7; DCV: 7; ECV: 0; Mental Def.: 18; Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 PD/rPD: 13/4; ED/rED: 12/4 Costs: Char.: 87 Disad.: 75 Powers: + 63 Base: + 75 Total: = 150 Total: = 150 Intervention 5.18 - Willow: ''So, just this one time, you just... did something kinda... crazy.'' Buffybot: ''It wasn't one time. It was lots of times, and lots of different ways. I could make sketches.'' Willow: ''No! Buffy, there is something seriously wrong here!'' Real name: Buffy Other known aliases: Skirt Girl Occupation: Sex toy and combat decoy. Current group affiliation: Tool of the Scooby Gang. Past group affiliations: Ally of Spike. Major enemies: Formerly Glorificus. First appearance: Intervention 5.18 Origin: Intervention 5.18 Description: Buffybot appears to be a slight but well built 20 year old woman with blonde hair. Explanation of the conversion: Buffybot was written to be a Follower for Spike. History: The vampire slayer Buffy Summers spurned the romantic advances of the vampire Spike, who had learned that college student Warren Beatty had built a robot lover named April. So Spike got Warren to build him Buffybot (I Was Made To Love You). Warren was able to build Buffybot, and gave her to Spike about the time the real Buffy left Sunnydale to undertake a quest to learn her place in life. Although initially Spike and Buffybot spent time in their crypt enjoying each other's company, that night Buffybot snuck out to patrol for vampires, which was in her programming. She came across Xander Harris and Anya Jenkins, who thought she was the real Buffy. Spike then joined them trying to cover for Buffybot's strange actions, but they were interrupted by a small group of vampires. Buffybot and the others were able to slay the vampires, and Xander and Anya left. When Xander realized Buffy hadn't asked how her sister Dawn was (who was staying with others while Buffy was on her quest) Xander went back to find Buffy, only to discover Buffy and Spike on the ground of the graveyard... enjoying each other's company again. Xander rushed back to talk to his friends Willow Rosenberg and Tara Maclay. They all agreed that Buffy was obviously delusional and had to help her. Xander then confronted Spike at his crypt, but they were interrupted by the minions of Glorificus, who thought Spike might be the key because of the way Buffy had protected him. They knocked out Xander and took Spike. Buffybot was then alone and decided to find her programmed best friend Willow for help. Willow and the others teamed up with Buffybot, thinking she was Buffy, in planning an attack on Glorificus. When collecting weapons at Buffy's house they ran into the real Buffy who had just returned and realized the Buffy they had been with was a robot. The group, together with Rupert Giles, then tracked down Glorificus' lair and was able to free Spike, who they let live so they could learn what he had told Glorificus. Buffybot was knocked out of commission by a minion of Glorificus. The body was taken by Willow and examined. Buffy then went to Spike pretending to be Buffybot to learn what he had said, but when she learned he had protected Buffy and Dawn she kissed him and left instead of staking him. Spike wouldn't get Buffybot back (Intervention 5.18). During the final confrontation between Buffy and Glorificus over the key, Willow repaired Buffybot and sent her against Glorificus with the Dagon Sphere, hoping to wear Glorificus out a little before Buffy attacked. It worked but Glorificus was able to behead Buffybot (The Gift 5.22). Willow then repaired and reprogrammed Buffybot after the death of the real Buffy, to pretend she was the real Buffy and protect Sunnydale as well as maintain guardianship of Buffy's younger sister Dawn. After a vampire learned that this Buffy was an imposter, he told a band of demon bikers who attacked Sunnydale. Although Buffybot tried to protect the town, she was severely damaged in the fight, and later had all her limbs torn from her body by the demons (Bargaining Part 1 6.01 & Part 2 6.02). Note: The character sheet for Aprilbot is almost the same as Buffybot, just change "In love with Spike." to "In love with Warren." Powers: Buffybot is incredibly strong and tough. It is programmed with an extensive knowledge of sexual practices and cooking. Conversion by Mathew R. Ignash - November, 2001 (