Name: Don del Oro Val Char Cost 15 STR 5 14 DEX 12 15 CON 10 13 BODY 6 18 INT 8 18 EGO 16 18 PRE 8 12 COM 1 5 PD 3 3 ED 3 SPD 5 6 REC 30 END 29 STUN Characteristic Rolls: STR: 12-, DEX: 12-, CON: 12-, INT: 13-, EGO: 13-, PER: 13- Run: 6", Swim: 2", Jump: 3", Lift: 200 kg Cost Powers END/Roll 14 Armor 8PD/8ED, -1/2 limit OIF Idol Costume, -1/4 limit Real Armor 7 +10 PRE, -1/2 limit OIF Costume Cost Skills, Talents, Perks Roll 3 Acting 13- 3 Bureaucratics 13- 3 Conversation 13- 3 Disguise 13- 3 High Society 13- 3 Interrogation 13- 2 AK: San Mendolito 11- 2 KS: Yaqui Religion 11- 0 Language: Spanish, native 4 Language: Yaqui, idiomatic 2 Language: English, fluent 3 Oratory 13- 3 Persuasion 13- 2 PS: Politician 11- 3 Riding (Horses) 12- 3 Streetwise 13- 3 Tactics 13- 2 WF: Common Melee Weapons 2 WF: Small Arms 1 WF: Bows 4 +2 Levels with Bows 4 +2 Levels with Swords 5 Perk: Aristocrat 2 Perk: Deep Cover, Council Member 75+ Disadvantages 15 Secret ID 20 Psych. Limit.: Power Hungry, total 15 Hunted 11-: Zorro, as powerful 10 Watched 11-: Yaqui Nation, Mexican Henchmen 20 Extreme Reputation 11-: Evil God OCV: 5 (7 with Bows, Swords); DCV: 5; ECV: 6; Mental Def.: 0; Phases: 4, 8, 12 PD/rPD: 5/8 ; ED/rED: 3/8 Costs: Char.: 74 Disad.: 80 Powers: + 81 Base: + 75 Exp.: + Total: = 155 Total: = 155 Source: "Zorro's Fighting Legion," Republic Pictures, 12-chapter movie serial, 1940 Background: Zorro's most powerful opponent wasn't a sneering aristocratic duelist in a frilly shirt but a Meso-American god, a living idol of gold. Just after Mexico's independence, vital gold shipments to the young government were interrupted by an uprising of the Yaqui Indians, stirred to vengeance by the pronouncements of an ancient deity reborn. Don del Oro inflamed native passions by offering to drive the Spaniards out of California and to restore Yaqui civilization to its pre-Columbian glory. To equip his followers with more than hope and words, he hijacked an arms shipment intended for the Mexican army, attacked the San Mendolito gold mine, and launched other acts of sabotage and terror intended to cut California off from the rest of Mexico to form a separate empire. When the bickering Governor's Council was unable to mount a defense, President Juarez authorized one of his trusted former officers to organize a private militia to defend the people and ensure steady delivery of gold to the capital. The man, Frederico de la Vega, was subsequently murdered in a cantina brawl. Unfortunately for Don del Oro, the slain officer's nephew was the masked outlaw and champion of justice, El Zorro. Zorro took control of the militia and led his men in thwarting the golden god's schemes, sometimes in spite of the Governor's troops. His Indian worshippers are unaware that Don del Oro is a mortal Spaniard, an unscrupulous member of the Governor's Council. The other Council members and a large gang of Mexican thugs are in on the plot, but no one knows who Don del Oro really is. He rules by fear. His eyes and ears are everywhere. Those who cross him are found murdered by his golden arrows, even when the victim is under protective custody. Height: cm ( 6' 4"), Weight: kg ( lbs), Sex: Male, Race: Spanish Appearance: Don del Oro is a hideous 6'4" golden effigy -- a moving, speaking Aztec idol with a booming voice and a red cloak draped across his shoulders. He moves slowly because of his great golden weight (the idol costume gives him the equivalent protection of plate armor) but is agile enough to fire a bow or a gun accurately and to ride a horse. He is never encountered without at least eight Yaqui warriors and/or Spanish henchmen in tow, in part to help him move around while in his divine persona. Although he is skilled in the use of early 19th century firearms, Don del Oro's trademark weapon is a traditional Yaqui bow. ========== Hero System write-up by Kevin Scrivner