Name: Hellboy Val Char Cost 20 STR 10 18 DEX 24 33 CON 46 15 BODY 10 13 INT 3 14 EGO 8 20 PRE 10 6 COM -2 12 PD 8 12 ED 5 4 SPD 12 11 REC 0 66 END 0 40 STUN -2 Characteristic Rolls: STR: 13-, DEX: 13-, CON: 16-, INT: 12-, EGO: 12-, PER: 12- Run: 6", Swim: 2", Jump: 4", Lift: 400kg Cost Powers END/Roll 33 4d6 Killing Attack (RKA); Range: 450; Increased STUN Multiplier: 1, ½; OAF - Torch of Liberty's pistol: -1; Charges: +6, -¾ 0 6 Elemental Control (6-pt reserve) a-6 Hand-to-Hand Attack (4d6, Total 8d6); Range: 0 1 b-18 Armor (20 PD/20 ED); Activation: 8-, -2 Cost Skills, Talents, Perks Roll 3 Ambidexterity 5 Fast Draw 14- 3 Breakfall 13- 6 +3 level w/Punch 1 Pistols 2 Common Melee Weapons 5 Professional Skill: Occult Investigator 14- 100+ Disadvantages 10 Public Identity 20 Distinctive Features: Demon; Concealability: Not Concealable, 15; Reaction: Always noticed & major reaction, +5 15 Reputation: World's greatest occult investigator (14-) 5 1d6 Unluck 15 Enraged when attacked (14-, 11-); Circumstances: Very Common, +15 10 Very large (Frequently, Slightly) 20 Hunted by evil wizard (11-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: None, +0; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Actions: Hunting, ×1; Punishment: Harsh, 0 20 Proctectve of friends (Very Common, Strong) 5 Makes pithy epitaths after killing enemy (Uncommon, Moderate) OCV: 6; DCV: 6; ECV: 5; Mental Def.: 0; Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 PD/rPD: 32/20; ED/rED: 32/20 Costs: Char.: 132 Disad.: 120 Powers: + 88 Base: + 100 Total: = 220 Total: = 220 Background: Writer's Notes: The EC represents Hellboy's right hand, which is made of a stonelike material that neither feels pain nor can be destroyed. ========================================================== Hero System writeup by John Powell (