Name: The Incredible Hulk (Dr. Robert Bruce Banner) Val Char Cost 100 STR 75* 23 DEX 39 50 CON 80 32 BOD 40* 25 INT 15 20 EGO 20 30 PRE 20 45 PD 27* 35 ED 24* 5 SPD 17 30 REC 6 100 END 0 107 STN 0* Characteristic Rolls: STR: 29-, DEX: 14-, CON: 19-, INT: 14-, EGO: 13-, PER: 14- Run: 6", Swim: 2", Jump: 37", Lift: 25 kton Cost Powers END/Roll 20 Damage Resistance 20rPD/20rED 15 Life Support: All Environments/Immunities 45 Superleap +20" 37"x29", 8x NCM, 0END 25 1/2END on 100 STR 20 Growth and DI: 2 Levels Growth (+10 STR +2 BOD +2 STun), 1 Level Density Inrease (+5 STR +1PD +1 ED), -1 DCV, 8xMass, -3"kb; 0 END persistent, Always on 3 Astral Awareness 4 Mental Defense 5pts (No Ego Bonus-1/4) 30 Damage Reduction 50% vs rPD 30 Damage Reduction 50% vs rED Cost Skills, Talents, Perks Roll 3 Computer Programming 14- 3 Paramedics 14- 3 Scientist 2 SC: Nuclear Physics (INT) 14- 2 SC: Gamma Radiation (INT) 14- 2 SC: Physics (INT) 14- 24 +3 Levels With All Combat 100+ Disadvantages 15 DNPC: Wife (Betty Banner) 11- 10 DNPC: Random, but always seems to have two 8- 15 Enraged if Betty injured: Go 14-, Rec 8- 5 Enraged in Combat: Go 8-, Rec 11- 15 Psych: Overconfident 20 Psych: Enjoys Combat (Really enjoys it!) 10 Psych: Fears Becoming the Maestro 15 Hunted: the Leader 11- 10 Hunted: Random old nemesis 11- OCV: 8; DCV: 7; ECV: 7; Mental Def.: 5; Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 PD/rPD: 45/20; ED/rED: 35/20 Costs: Char.: 363 Disad.: 115 Powers: + 231 Base: + 100 Exp.: + 479 Total: = 594 Total: = 594 Background: This is the post psychologigally healed Hulk, who worked with Pantheon. This version of the Hulk is strong, able to fight longer than the energizer bunny, and has enough complications in his life that he might end up a mindless berserker anyway. The astral awareness is from The Ultimate Mentalist. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Write-up copyright © 1996 by Chad Riley ( Permission granted to duplicate and transmit, as long as this note is not removed.