Name: Mr. Bones Val Char Cost 50 STR 40 20 DEX 30 38 CON 56 18 BOD 16 18 INT 8 14 EGO 8 28 PRE 18 2 COM -4 30 PD 20 30 ED 22 5 SPD 20 18 REC - 76 END - 62 STN - Characteristic Rolls: STR: 19-, DEX: 13-, CON: 17-, INT: 13-, EGO: 12-, PER: 13- Run: 7", Swim: 2", Jump: 10", Lift: 25 ton Cost Powers END/Roll 12 1/2 End Cost Str [2] 50 4d6 NND, Does Body, Offensive Damage Shield (+1), 0 End, Persistant, Always On, Very Common Defense (-1/2), Defense: Non-normal biology or no skin contact "Cyanide Touch" 2 +1" Running 5 5/5 resistant pd/ed 1 Immunity: Cyanide Cost Skills, Talents, Perks Roll 4 Knowledge Skills: TV Trivia, Poetry 11- 24 3 Combat Levels 100+ Disadvantages 15 Unusual Looks: Only Skeleton & Irises visible 20 Psych: Must speak in rhymes 197 Bones Bonus OCV: 7; DCV: 7; ECV: 5; Mental Def.: 0; Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 PD/rPD: 30/5; ED/rED: 30/5 Costs: Char.: 234 Disad.: 232 Powers: + 98 Base: + 100 Total: = 332 Total: = 332 Background: Not really a member. Mr. Bones was a member of the villainous Helix. After being captured and put on trial he was put under Infinity Inc's custody. He did help out the team on some occasions. =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to sam@shonen.Eng.Sun.COM ===============================================================================