Macho [Ps]

Common, Strong: 15 Points

This disadvantage is only appropriate for male characters. A character with this Psych Limit always acts in an exaggeratedly masculine fashion. He speaks loudly, acts domineering toward women, and believes he is a sexual dynamo. The character is disgusted by "fags" and "dykes", and will accept no insult to what he sees as his personal honor.

The character sees nothing wrong with sleeping with many women, even if he is married. (However, should his wife sleep with many other men, he would become infuriated.)

The character must make an Ego roll in order to act in any other manner.

Mad As A Hatter [Ps]

Very Common, Total: 25 Points

This is the classic "Joker" psychological limit, and represents a character who is not only insane, but is fucking bonkers on top of it. A character with this Psych Limit does random and possibly odd things for any reason or for no reason at all. His mind is so disconnected from reality that he sees no reasons behind anything, and wants none. He is capable of killing or sparing, on a whim, and oft times engages in seemingly random actions for inconceivable reasons. He speaks nonsense and nonsequitor, and prefers it that way.

The character cannot act in a rational manner, even when worldthreatening circumstance requires it.

It is highly recommended that Player Characters not be allowed to take this Psych Limit.

Makes Friends Easily [Ps]

Common, Strong: 15 Points

A character who Makes Friends Easily tends to befriend anyone he meets who shows him even a modicum of respect, politeness, and courtesy. This is not to say that he actually becomes friends with the other person (such things require, at the least, the cooperation of the other), but rather will consider the other person friendly and trustworthy enough to become a friend. He will always be open and friendly with others unless they have shown some reason for him not to be; but on first meeting, his impulse is to be friendly.

In order to avoid acting in this manner, the character must make an Ego roll.

Manic [Ps]

Very Common, Total: 25 Points

This Psych Limit might well be called Super-Hyperactive. A character who is Manic has seemingly endless energy. He seems to bounce of the wall, can't ever sit still, talks too loudly and constantly, and seems to move from one mood to another in an eyeblink. The character can only force himself to slow down or stop in the most dire of circumstances

Manic-Depressive [Ps]

Common, Strong: 15 Points

A character with this Psych Limit suffers from tremendous mood swings which affect his ability to face the world. When in "manic" phase the character believes that his life is perfect and there is nothing he cannot do. When in "depressive" phase the character believes that his life is miserable and there is nothing he can do.

At the beginning of each play session roll 1d6; on a 1-3 the character is in manic phase, 4-6, he is depressive. After 5 hours of game time roll 3d6, a result of 10 or less indicates a mood swing. Over the next hour his mood will shift to it's opposite and remain in this state for at least 5 hours. Manic characters are +1 on all die rolls, depressive characters are at -1.

Player characters should take this Psych Limit only at Common, Strong. Any stronger and the character becomes completely incapacitated. Any weaker and its no limitation at all.

Manipulative [Ps]

Common, Moderate: 10 Points

A character with this Psych Limit is adept at getting people to do what they want them to do. They use many different ways to do this: cajoling, bribery, casual persuasion, or whatever. Mostly, in fact, they do this without even thinking about it.

Masochistic [Ps]

Uncommon, Moderate: 5 Points
Uncommon, Strong: 10 Points

A Masochist enjoys being hurt. He actually gets pleasure from being mistreated (either physically or mentally). The character actively seeks out opportunities to be hurt, and frequently (and willingly) enters abusive relationships just to take advantage of it.

At Uncommon, Moderate, the character can suppress his natural urge to seek out pain and injury when necessary. At Uncommon, Strong, In order to suppress his natural urge toward wanting to be injured, the character must make an Ego roll.

Mass Murderer [Ps]

Common, Total: 20 Points

A Mass Murderer is the worst possible sort of Casual Killer. This character kills others because he can, because its easy, and because he's got a reason that, to him, justifies killing many people. Unlike a professional assassin (who may technically qualify as a Mass Murderer), a character with this disadvantage kills for any reason or no reason.

He doesn't necessarily kill everyone he meets... but he might if so inclined. He most certainly kills (or attempts to kill) anyone who irritates, hampers, or actually harms him. (There are exceptions to this; a Mass Murderer may well be in a passionate and caring relationship with someone not connected to the object of his rage.)

A character with this disadvantage is not necessarily Psychopathic/Sociopathic (though this is possible.)

Being a Mass Murderer is different from being a Serial Killer. In the case of a Mass Murderer:

òVictims are killed over a relatively short period of time, usually hours (less often days). The killings usually occur at several separate locations within a small area (such as two or three city blocks) as part of a continuous "action". Such "killing sprees" are usually one-time occurrances in the life of the killer, but could potentially happen numerous times.

òVictims are typically selected at random and attacked or not at the whim of the killer, or form a part of a target group.

òThe victims are usually connected in some way to the killer. This need not be a personal relationship. (The classic example of a "postal worker with an uzi" is usually a case of an overstressed postal worker who went crazy and now wants to punish the post office by killing people.)

òMass Murderers almost always use guns, and don't torture their victims before killing them.

òAttacks are usually made in public places, such as restaurants, malls, and universities.

In the case of a Serial Killer:

òThe killings are separate ("serial") occuring with greater or less frequency over time (often following the cycle of the moon), sometimes lasting years and not stopping until the killer is taken into custody or dies.

òThe killing is one-on-one (as with "normal" homicides), as opposed to many-at-once.

òThere is very little or no connection between the killer and his victims.

òAlthough there may be a common pattern or victim trait in the killings, serial murders rarely have a clearly defined or "rational" motive.

òSerial murders often occur over a wide area (for example, in the case of well-known serial killer Ted Bundy, he killed women in Washington, Utah, Colorado, Arkansas, and Florida before finally being apprehended).

òThe murders reflect redundant violence, a need by the Serial Killer to inflict "overkill" violence on his victim. This may be evidence of a pathological need to sadistically dominate their victim.

òSerial Killers almost always stab, strangle, or poison their victims, and do so slowly so as to inflict terror.

This Psych Limit is only appropriate for villains.

Maternal/Paternal Complex Toward (Other Character) [Ps]

Common, Strong: 15 Points
Common, Total: 20 Points

A character with this Psych Limit feels parental toward another character. The other character should be younger and less experienced than the character with this Psych Limit. The character believes that it is his duty to protect, teach, guide, and advise the younger character, offering the benefits of his higher age and experience. The other character is free to accept such treatment or not, as if appropriate for the character.

In addition, should the younger character become injured or is killed, the character with this Psych Limit will take it upon himself to seek revenge.

At Common, Strong the character must make an Ego roll in order to avoid acting in this manner. At Common, Total the character cannot do so except in the most extreme of circumstances.

Megalomania [Ps]

Very Common, Total: 25 Points

Another classic villainous disadvantage, this Psych Limit could be described as the most extreme form of Arrogant or Conceited possible. A character with this disadvantage believes that he is more than mere mortal. In some way, he considers himself "above" his fellow mortals.

The character might believe that he is the perfect human specimen, or the world's most developed intellect, or that he is destined to rule the world, or that he has been divinely chosen for some task. Whatever the specifics, the character believes that this makes him not only a cut above everyone else, but quite literally an order of magnitude above everyone else.

It is suggested that, in addition to Megalomania, the character also take Fanatic -- and choose himself as the object of his fanatacism.

Mercenary Mentality [Ps]

Common, Strong: 15 Points

A character with a Mercenary Mentality is always looking to get something out of the situation. He helps people only when there is something to be gained: a reward or acclaim of some kind. He can easily be swayed with offers of money or power, though he may have other Psych Limits that determine whether or not he will accept such bribes.

This Psych Limit works well with Greedy, Selfish, Looks Out For Himself First, Code of Honor, and a host of others. It should not be taken with Charitable, but is perfect when combined with Sucker For A Sob Story.

In order to do something charitable for which there will be no gain, the character must make an Ego roll.

Messiah Complex [Ps]

Common, Total: 20 Points

A character with a Messiah Complex believes that he was born to fulfill some great destiny by saving humanity. The manner in which he saves humanity, and from what he is saving humanity, is up to the player.

This attitude rarely sits well with others, although it is possible that the character has followers who believe in him. In general a character with this Psych Limit believes that he can do no wrong, and that his mission is more important than any other "mundane' concern.

This Psych Limit works well with Megalomaniac, Arrogant, and Believes He Is Sanctioned By A HIgher Power.

Methodical Planner [Ps]

Common, Strong: 15 Points

A character who is a Methodical Planner is an organized, step by step thinker. He approaches each problem step by step, point by point and carefully plans and executes every step until completion. He never abandons his plans once made, and hates to change horses in midstream. The character resists any "plan" which involves rushing in without discussion and preparation.

In order to avoid acting in this manner, the character must make an Ego roll.

Miser [Ps]

Very Common, Strong: 20 Points

This Psych Limit is an extreme form of Cheap/Spendthrift. The character is obsessed with holding on to the wealth he already has. This is different from Greedy, although the two disadvantages are compatable (and it is very common to see a person with one also have the other).

When called upon to spend money, the character must make an Ego roll or else look for the cheapest alternative possible. Note that this does not mean "the best deal", it means the absolute cheapest, period; the character will accept second rate (or even third, fourth, or fifth rate) materials, services, and goods rather than have to pay for first rate.

Even if the roll is made, the character will attempt to haggle the price down, and will complain interminably afterward.

Misogynist [Ps]

Common Moderate: 10 Points
Common, Strong: 15 Points
Common, Total: 20 Points

This Psych Limit is only appropriate for male characters. A Misogynist believes that the value of a woman depends on how well she cooks, cleans, and performs during sex. Misogynisy goes beyond believing that women should stay at home, barefoot and pregnant (which would merely be Prejudiced Against Women) and extends to believing they are incapable of doing anything else.

The other half of Misogyny is the belief that a man has a right to beat a woman when he feels like it, for whatever reason he feels like it. Most enjoy it.

At Common, Moderate the character can suppress his urge to treat women like dirt when he needs to, but at Common, Strong would need to make an Ego Roll. At Common, Total the character cannot do so except in the most dire of circumstances.

This Psych Limit is only appropriate for Non-Player Characters.

Monitors (Person Or Group) [Ps]

Common, Moderate: 10 Points
ommon, Strong: 15 Points
Common, Total: 20 Points

For whatever reason, a character with this Psych Limit keeps close tabs on some person or group. He gathers what information he can, follows them (or has them followed), and keeps records. Generally, the character is doing so in order to eventually cause some harm to the object of his pursuit, but this is not strictly necessary. The character expends a great deal of energy and time in this pursuit, placing a strain on the rest of his life. Very often a character with this Psych Limit will also have Seeks Revenge.

The character should have some defined emotional reason to be seeking information on the person or agency to the detriment of their own career or personal life.

Moody [Ps]

Common, Moderate: 10 Points

This character tends to be dour and unpleasant, but not actually Bad Tempered (those these two Psych Limits work well together). He is tends to be slightly Antisocial without actually taking it that far. The character is capable of normally relating to people when necessary.

This Psych Limit works well with Loner.

Morbid [Ps]

Common, Moderate: 10 Points
Common, Strong: 15 Points
Common, Total: 20 Points

A character who is Morbid has a deep and inexplicable interest in the macabre, the gruesome, and the unwholesome. He is the type of person who watches slasher movies to see how well-done the blood effects are. He reads books about murders and finds the subject of death fascinating. This is not to say that the character is necessarily interested in performing gruesome acts himself, but rather finds them a fascinating subject of study.

At Common, Moderate the character can repress his interest in such things when necessary. At Common, Strong the character must make an Ego Roll in order to do so. At Common, Total the character cannot overcome his fascination with the macabre except in the most dire of circumstances.

It is suggested that player characters not take this over Common, Moderate.

More Concerned With His Image Than Anything Else [Ps]

Uncommon, Strong: 10 Points

This Psych Limit is only appropriate for PC or NPC heroes (villains don't care about what the public thinks of them). A character with this Psych Limit places other people's perception of him above any other moral consideration. He panders to the public, doing things he believes the public expects.

What this means is that the character fights crime because the public keeps better opinions on heroes than villains, not because he feels some righteous need to do so. He refrains from killing his enemies not because he has any compunctions against doing so, but because people who kill their enemies are considered murderers by the public, not heroes. The truth is, he would lie, kill, steal, and cheat if he thought he could get away with it.

In order to avoid acting in this manner, and thus actually act from moral principles instead of "the will of the people", the character must make an Ego roll.

A character with this Psych Limit should have no other Psych Limits regarding morality or principles, except perhaps Amoral.

Multiple Personality Disorder [Ps]

Common, Total: 20 Points

A character with Multiple Personality Disorder is a fractured psyche. This Psych Limit is more commonly known among the general public as "split personality" or "schizophrenia" (although true schizophrenia is a completely different disorder).

This disadvantage means that the character has more than one "person" in their head. Each personality is a complete and separate individual. These personalities surface in times of stress or in times of deep association with some past trauma. The personalities themselves may or may not have any sort of conscious connection to the "prime" personality.

Note that it is possible for secondary personalities to have Psych Limits of their own. Such matters should be worked out carefully with the GM.

The character has no control over when and how the other personalities surface.

Must Be Leader [Ps]

Common, Strong: 15 Points

A character with this psych limit has to be in charge of any group he is a part of (or at least think that he is in charge). This isn't necessarily the same as Control Freak, but it is similar. If he is not made leader, the character criticizes the leader's actions, follows his own plans (and cajoles his fellows to follow his lead) and generally acts put out until he is made leader.

The character must make an Ego roll in order to cooperate fully in any group for which he is not the leader.

This Psych Limit should not be taken with Control Freak, since it is already included in that disadvantage.

Must Complete His Mission [Ps]

Common, Total: 20 Points

This character takes his duties and dedication to his work to an obsessive level. He lets nothing stop him until he has done what he sets out to do. The character would rather die than abandon his mission, regardless of what it takes to get it done.

The character may have other Psych Limits that moderate precisely to what lengths the character will go to complete his mission. The mission in question may change from case to case.

Must Overcome Failure To Protect (Loved One) [Ps]

Common, Strong: 15 Points

A character with this Psych Limit has, in his past, suffered a devastating personal loss at the hands of a criminal, an accident that the character could have prevented, or some similar reason. The character feels that if he had only done something different, or had done whatever he did do better, things would be different. This event has shaped the character's entire life, causing him to become a crimefighter to make up for this previous failure.

The loved one in question need not be dead, but certainly should not be easily accessible or in a normal state. (Comas, life sentences, quadrapalegia, and severe brain damage are all examples of suitable substitutes for death.) If the loved one isn't dead, he or she should be taken as a DNPC by the character. Whether or not the loved one blames the character for his or her current condition (if such feelings are applicable) is up to the GM.

Must Protect (Person, Place, Or Thing) From (Threat) [Ps]

Common, Moderate: 10 Points
Common, Strong: 15 Points
Common, Total: 20 Points

A character with this Psych Limit has a special attachment or feelings for a particular object, location, or person. The feelings might be patriotic pride in their homeland, love or admiration for another person, or an appreciation for the beauty or spiritual meaning of an object. In any case, the focus of the character's feelings (in regards to this Psych Limit) must be threatened by some outside force or agency.

For example, a character may have Must Protect Northern Ireland From English Aggression. In this case, the character would feel that Northern Ireland is endangered by the continual presence of the English "invaders", and would work to hamper the English whenever possible. On the other hand, a character who was an art lover might have Must Protect City Museum From Art Thieves. Such a character would, in his nightly patrols of the city, spend extra time making sure that no one was breaking into the art museum, and that no other harm was befalling the art stored therein (like a fire).

Must Prove He's Better Than (Person Or Group) [Ps]

Common, Strong: 15 Points
Common, Total: 20 Points

A character with this Psych Limit is in some sort of competition or rivalry with another character or with an organization. The exact form, as well as the origin, of the competition or rivalry is up to the player.

The rivalry may be based on ideology: In a superhero campaign, the character might be the son of an infamous villain, and now feels that he has to prove to the world that he is not his father. In an espionage campaign, the character might be a former member of a terrorist organization, and now feels he has to prove that the goals of the terrorists are wrong. Or the competition may be simpler in nature. Perhaps the character feels that he must prove that he is a better athlete than another player character.

At Common, Strong the character must make an Ego roll in order to resist pursuing the competition when given a chance to do so. At Common, Total the character cannot do so except in the most dire of circumstances.

Must Prove He's Right [Ps]

Common, Strong: 15 Points

A character with this Psych Limit cannot stand it when others think he is in the wrong. He gets irritated when he is shown to be mistaken, and downright angry when he is contradicted but is right. Until he has been shouted down (when he is wrong) or manages to convince everyone that he is correct (when he is right), he will continue arguing until he runs out of breath or falls over dead, which ever comes first.

In order to avoid acting in this manner, the character must make an Ego roll.

This Psych Limit works well with Headstrong and Stubborn.

Mute [Ph]

All The Time, Fully: 25 Points

A character who is Mute cannot speak. All communication between this character and others must be through some other medium (such as writing, sign language, or telepathy). The character is not necessarily Deaf, though others will often assume so.

Mysterious and Enigmatic [Ps]

Common, Strong: 15 Points
Common, Total: 20 Points

A character who is Mysterious and Enigmatic believes that the less anyone knows about him the better. He may work well with others (though most characters who take this disadvantage also take Loner or Never Lets Anyone Get Close). He may even be a staunch member of an established team. Regardless, the character never reveals anything he doesn't have to.

Thus, the character's identity, information sources, and abilities will be kept secret - and the character will go to great lengths to keep it that way. Characters with this Psych Limit tend to show up out of nowhere with crucial information and no explanations, and just as quickly vanish into the shadow.

A character with this Psych Limit at Common, Strong can open up to others if it is absolutely necessary and if an Ego roll is made. At Common, Total, the character never opens up to anyone, even if he really needs to.