Darkness Silence Pain I can't control the world around me Twisting and turning, continuing without me Set about like a boat on a stormy sea, Blasted by enemies who don't even know me, Building walls to protect myself, Going insane inside my mindwells, LIstening to Storys that devils tell, Feeling my thoughts going to hell. Home is where the mind is, In a jar back where the rats live, Rarely used and covered with dust, Pulling it out when its a must, Using my brain is like chaotic roulette, Never knowing how much or what I'll get, Slowly digging a hole for myself, KNowing all the whys but thatn doesn't help. Life Cold and darkness Death Evil creeping in. The Good Pleasure light of dusk is Pain Apart Getting dim. I'm Together Love Crying for help hate Distrust Trust Happy No ones hears Mad Insane Sane Sane I'm alone and Insane Mad hurt and gaining HAppy Trust fears. The teeth Distrust HAte have hold and are Love Together Starting to tear Apart Pain The Body Pleasure Good and mind going Evil Death going different wheres Life If loves bonds and makes two into one, And you look up and they have gone, Is it not so you saw yourself leave, Now you can't trust yourself, who can you believe? I'm going insane and can't seem to stop, Maybe inside it something I want Here comes the darkness a yawning void, I welcome the peace that death can't avoid. Pain Silence Darkness