Name: Catwoman Val Char Cost 15 STR 5 20 DEX 30 18 CON 16 14 BODY 8 16 INT 6 14 EGO 8 25 PRE 20 24 COM 9 6 PD 3 4 ED 0 4 SPD 10 8 REC 2 40 END 2 36 STUN 5 Characteristic Rolls: STR: 12-, DEX: 13-, CON: 13-, INT: 12-, EGO: 12-, PER: 15- Run: 6", Swim: 2", Jump: 3", Lift: 200kg Cost Powers END/Roll 9 Enhanced Perception (all) (+3 to PER) 70 Variable Power Pool (50-pt Pool); Control Cost: 25; No Skill Required for Change: +1; OAF: -1; Change Only Between Adventures: -½ 0 Whip (19); OIF: -½ (9) Stretching (3", NC: --); Non-Combat Multiplier: ×2, +0; No Non-Combat: -¼; OIF: -½ 1 (7) Clinging (Clinging STR +0); OIF: -½ (3) +1 Killing Attack (HTH) (Total ½d6); Range: 0; OIF: -½ 1 0 Cat Claws (15); OAF: -1 (7) Stretching (5", NC: --); Non-Combat Multiplier: ×2, +0; No Non-Combat: -¼; Recoverable Charges: -2 lev; Charges: 1, -1¼; OAF: -1 0 (3) Clinging (Clinging STR +0); Charges: 1, -1¼; Recoverable Charges: -2 lev; OAF: -1 (5) ½d6 Killing Attack (HTH) (Total 1d6+1); Range: 0; OAF: -1 1 2 Infrared Vision; OAF (Goggles): -1 3 +3 level w/Single Skill; OAF (Lockpick Tools): -1 Cost Skills, Talents, Perks Roll 5 Defense Maneuver 10 Find Weakness; Attack Type: One, +0 11- 24 +3 level w/All Combat 22 Comic Book Martial Arts (4) Punch (OCV +0, DCV +2, 5d6) (5) Kick (OCV -2, DCV +1, 7d6) (4) Block (OCV +2, DCV +2) (3) Throw (OCV +0, DCV +1, 3d6+v/5) (4) Dodge (OCV --, DCV +5) (2) Martial Arts Weapons; Unarmed Combat: +0; Whip: +1; Claws: +1 9 Lockpicking 16- 7 Stealth 15- 3 Persuasion 14- 6 KS: Jewels and other valuables 15- 3 Seduction 14- 2 KS: High Society 11- 2 KS: Criminal Underworld 11- 5 Security Systems 13- 3 Mechanics 11- 3 Electronics 11- 100+ Disadvantages 20 Normal Characteristic Maxima 5 In Love with Batman (Uncommon, Moderate) 5 Dislikes the rich (Uncommon, Moderate) 10 Dislikes the criminal element (Common, Moderate) 15 Overconfidence (Very Common, Moderate) 10 Enraged when cats or children hurt (14-, 14-); Circumstances: Common, +10 15 Reputation: Thief (14-) 10 Reputation: Soft spot for cats (11-) 15 Watched by police (14-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: Extensive, +5; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Only Watching: ×½; Punishment: Harsh, 0 OCV: 7; DCV: 7; ECV: 5; Mental Def.: 0; Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 PD/rPD: 6/0; ED/rED: 4/0 Costs: Char.: 124 Disad.: 105 Powers: + 188 Base: + 100 Exp.: + 107 Total: = 312 Total: = 312 Background: ======================================= Write-up by Lee Vettleson (