Name: Gravestone Val Char Cost 30 STR 20 26 DEX 48 28 CON 36 20 BODY 20 18 INT 8 20 EGO 20 25 PRE 15 10 COM - 10 PD 4 10 ED 4 5 SPD 14 12 REC - 56 END - 60 STUN 11 Characteristic Rolls: STR: 15-, DEX: 14-, CON: 15-, INT: 13-, EGO: 13-, PER: 13- Run: 10", Swim: 2", Jump: 6", Lift: 1600 kg Cost Powers END/Roll 7 Teleport 10": Requires Stealth Roll, only to vanish or appear while no one is looking, only to places he could walk or jump to, no Noncombat multiple 12 +4d6 HA (grim determination) 8 +4" Running 10 +4 DCV OAF cloak (hides within its shadows) 30 +45 PRE only for fear, magical effect 3 Immortal (must fight out of Hell if killed, will someday lose) Cost Skills, Talents, Perks Roll 25 Stealth 25- 8 KS: Various obscure and forgotten pieces of abstruse lore 18- 10 Various contacts and skills 24 Protectors Package (8) HRRH IIF collar (if playing early adventures, add a 15- Burnout) (High Range Radio Hearing? Presumably Radio Listen and Transmit?) (3) Federal Police Powers (1) Passport (2) Contact: Phillip Reinhardt, government liason/leader 11- (2) Contact: President Brian O'Brien 11- (5) Contribution to the USS Jefferson, the Protectors' base (2) AK: Washington DC 11- (1) Familiarity: Team tactics and maneuvers 100+ Disadvantages 15 Secret ID: Unknown 20 Distinctive Features: Aura of Supernatural, gives creepy feeling to people (treat as constant PRE attack at PRE 20) 10 Reputation: Various rumored pasts, 11- 20 Psych: EXTREMELY Grim 15 Psych: Still in love with his dead lover (who is the prime agent assigned to keep him in the afterlife whenever he dies) 10 Psych: Refuses to stay dead, and damn the Balance 55 Protectors Package (25) Hunted: Minions of the Great Question (11-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: Extensive, +5; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Actions: Hunting, ×1; Punishment: Harsh, 0 (15) Watched: U. S. Government (14-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: Extensive, +5; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Actions: Only Watching, ×½; Punishment: Harsh, 0 (15) Reputation: Public fully aware or no-kill clause (14-) OCV: 9; DCV: 9; ECV: 7; Mental Def.: 0; Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 PD/rPD: 10/0; ED/rED: 10/0 Costs: Char.: 200 Disad.: 140 Powers: + 137 Base: + 100 Exp.: + 92 Total: = 337 Total: = 337 Background: "When a wave of crimes began to plague the New York World's Fair of 1939, it seemed the event might well collapse. But then a mysterious caped figure appeared to serve as its special protector. This dark avenger was known as Gravestone [or Fantom, to some]. Very little is known about Gravestone, other than the fact that he appears to he hundreds -- possibly thousands -- of years old. He comes and goes at will, favoring the cloaking shelter of night and shadows. Gravestone is a true mystery man in every sense of the term. There are rumors that men who have tried to uncover his secrets have disappeared, never to be seen again. It is rumored that he may actually be from another dimension or world other than our own. Of the two, this rumor has garnered the most support for truth." - Protectors Handbook Facts in Gravestone #1 reveal he dies periodically, then must fight his way out of the underworld. The imagery of his personal hell, including the river Styx and Charon, implies that he was born in ancient Greece, perhaps as the son of a god (Phobos seems likely). He is apparently capable of bringing people back with him should he chose, but rarely does because his own continued existence is enough of a threat to the cosmic Balance. Writer's Notes: No package deal bonus was taken, since I feel those should only be for Heroic level characters. =============================================================================== Character write-up by by Dave Van Domelen (