Name: Mister Fantastic Val Char Cost 13 STR 3 20 DEX 30 18 CON 16 11 BODY 2 23 INT 13 14 EGO 8 13 PRE 3 10 COM 0 8 PD 5 6 ED 2 4 SPD 10 7 REC 0 36 END 0 27 STUN 0 Characteristic Rolls: STR: 12-, DEX: 13-, CON: 13-, INT: 14-, EGO: 12-, PER: 14- Run: 6", Swim: 2", Jump: 3/18", Lift: 151½kg Cost Powers END/Roll 4 Damage Resistance (8 PD/0 ED) 20 Elemental Control: Rubber body. (20-pt reserve) a-20 Damage Reduction (Physical, 75%) b-30 Stretching (10", NC: 20); Non-Combat Multiplier: ×2, +0 5 45 Multipower: Stretching tricks. (45-pt reserve) u-2 Desolidification; Cannot Move through Solid Objects: -½; Vulnerability: Heat; Multipower: Fixed Slot; Concentrate: Throughout & ½ DCV, -½ 4 u-1 15" Gliding (NC: 30"); Non-Combat Multiplier: ×2, +0; Non-Combat (MPH): 45; Multipower: Fixed Slot u-1 Hand-To-Hand Attack: Enlarged fists. (3d6, Total 5½d6); Range: 0; Multipower: Fixed Slot; Reduced END: Zero, +½ 0 u-3 Shape Shift (Any); Multipower: Fixed Slot; Limited Power: Can not alter color or total mass.: -¼; Reduced END: Zero, +½ 0 u-1 Superleap (+15", 18", NC: 36"); Non-Combat Multiplier: ×2, +0; Non-Combat (MPH): 45; Multipower: Fixed Slot 3 8 Armor (4 PD/4 ED); OIF: -½ Cost Skills, Talents, Perks Roll 3 Computer Programming 14- 3 Inventor 14- 5 Electronics 12- 2 Science: Chemistry 14- 2 Science: Physics 14- 2 Science: Robotics 14- 3 Scientist 3 Tactics 14- 100+ Disadvantages 10 DNPC: Family and friends. (Slightly Less Powerful, 11-); Skills: Normal, +0 5 Distinctive Features: Stretchy guy.; Concealability: Easily, 5; Reaction: Noticed and Recognizable, +0 25 Hunted: by almost every villain in the known universe. (14-); Capabilities: As Powerful, 10; Non-combat Influence: Extensive, +5; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Actions: Hunting, ×1; Punishment: Harsh, 0 15 Psych. Lim.: Gets lost in his work often. (Very Common, Moderate) 15 Psych. Lim.: In love with the Invisible Woman. (Common, Strong) 15 Psych. Lim.: Explorer (Common, Strong) 20 Psych. Lim.: Code vs. killing. (Common, Total) 10 Public Identity: Reed Richards 20 Reputation: Super scientist and renoun hero. (14-, Extreme) 5 Rivalry: with Doctor Doom and other smart guys.; Situation: Professional, 5; Position: Equal, +0; Rival: NPC, +0 10 Watched: by the U.S. government. (11-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: Extensive, +5; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Actions: Only Watching, ×½; Punishment: Mild, -5 OCV: 7; DCV: 7; ECV: 5; Mental Def.: 0; Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 PD/rPD: 12/12; ED/rED: 10/4 Costs: Char.: 92 Disad.: 150 Powers: + 158 Base: + 100 Total: = 250 Total: = 250 ''I'm grateful we're all alive!! It was mighty close! But we're still not completely safe! We still have to see whether the cosmic rays affected us in any way!'' - Reed in Fantastic Four #1 Real name: Reed Richards Other known aliases: Invincible Man II, Reed Benjamin, Stretch, Big Brain. Occupation: Full time hero and scientist, former student. Current group affiliation: Fantastic Four Past group affiliations: Secret Wars Heroes, Avengers. Major enemies: Doctor Doom, Skrulls, Galactus. First appearance: Fantastic Four #1 Origin: Fantastic Four #1 Description: Reed is 6'1'' tall and weighs 180 lbs. He has brown eyes and hair, but it's white at the temples. He usually wears a blue and white uniform which stretches with him. History: Reed Richards, the only son of wealthy physicist Nathaniel Richards and his wife Evelyn, was a child prodigy with special aptitude in mathematics, physics, and mechanics. Evelyn died when Reed was seven. Nathaniel encouraged and guided young Reed in his scientific studies, and Reed was taking college-level courses by the time he was fourteen. He attended several universities. It was at State University in Hegeman, New York, that Reed Richards first met two of the most important individuals in his life. He was assigned to room with a foreign student, a scientific genius named Victor von Doom. The imperious von Doom, taking an immediate dislike to Richards, decided to take other quarters. As Doctor Doom, von Doom would later become Richards' greatest rival and enemy. Richards instead gained as his roommate former high school football star Benjamin J. Grimm, who became Richards' closest friend. Richards was already intending to build a starship for interstellar travel. When he told this ambition to Grimm, Grimm jokingly said that he would pilot the starship for Richards. While attending Columbia University, Richards rented living quarters at the Manhattan boarding house owned by the aunt of a young girl named Susan Storm. Though she was still only a child, no more than twelve years old, Susan fell in love with the older Richards, much to his embarrassment. Three years before Reed Richards tested his starship, his father mysteriously disappeared. In fact, Nathaniel Richards had devised a time machine which he had used to attempt to journey into the future. However, the machine actually transported him to an alternate Earth with a history considerably different from our own; Reed Richards would be reunited with him while visiting this alternate Earth years later. Richards recruited his old friend Ben Grimm, who had become a successful test pilot and astronaut, to pilot the starship. Richards was joined in California by Susan Storm, who was now an adult. Richards and Storm were engaged to be married. Shortly before the starship was to be launched, Richards used his scientific knowledge to defeat the extraterrestrial being Gormuu, who had intended to conquer Earth. Richards' encounter with Gormuu strengthened his resolve to finish the starship, which he saw as a first step for mankind to defend itself from extraterrestrial threats (recounted in Fantastic Four #271). However, when the federal government threatened to withdraw its funding, Richards decided to test fly it himself. Though Grimm warned that the ship's shielding might be inadequate, Grimm, Susan, and her adolescent brother Johnny all chose to go. They intended to travel through hyperspace to another solar system and back. However, unknown to Richards, a solar flare caused Earth's Van Allen radiation belts to be filled temporarily with unprecedented, ultra-high levels of cosmic radiation. The intense cosmic rays irradiated the four passengers and wrought havoc on the ship's controls. Grimm was forced to abort the flight and return to Earth. Once back on Earth, the foursome discovered they'd been mutagenically altered by the cosmic rays. Ben was transformed into the orange stone-skinned Thing. Reed became the elastic bodied Mister Fantastic. Sue gained the ability to become invisible to the naked eye and became the Invisible Girl. Johnny gained powers over fire and became the Human Torch II. Richards convinced the others that the four of them should use their new found powers for the good of humanity as members of a team he named the Fantastic Four. Reed first called the group together to investigate the destruction of several atomic plants. They traced the destruction attacks by monsters under control of the Mole Man and confronted him on Monster Island (Fantastic Four #1). Under Richards' leadership the Fantastic Four has become Earth's most honored team of superhuman adventurers, and has saved the world from conquest or destruction many times. Richards eventually married Susan Storm, and they now have a son, Franklin. After many years, Reed joined his wife in semi-retirement from their superhero career. They tried to raise their son Franklin in a relatively normal environment, but soon, Franklin was kidnapped by the villains Nanny and the Orphan-Maker at the same time that New York was undergoing a demonic invasion. Richards and his wife teamed up with the Captain and other heroes to reform the Avengers, which had then recently gone on hiatus. Richards, however, continually disrupted the Avengers' team dynamic with his natural penchant for leadership. Richards and his wife soon left the team and rejoined the Fantastic Four at their base. Banished into the distant past by his son's nearly all-powerful offspring from a possible future, Reed was left doubtful and unsure of his actions until the sentient psionic being Onslaught threatened Franklin's life. His confidence restored, Reed helped engineer the menace's defeat. But the Fantastic Four appeared to perish in the effort, along with Earth's other great heroes. After returning from the pocket universe inadvertently created by his son, Reed quickly went to work restoring his team's financial status. Trivia: The origin of the Fantastic Four is a popular topic for stories of alternate realities. Their have been worlds where they didn't gain any powers at all, or they were killed while attempting to take the rocket. Even more interesting are worlds where they gained different powers all together. Their have been worlds where Reed gained Human Torch powers, became the Thing, where he gained the ability to turn objects invisible, where he became the villainous purple skinned Brute or where he became a disembodied brain with mental powers. Powers: As a result of exposure to cosmic rays, Richards' body is extremely pliable and durable. He can elongate any portion of his body to amazing distances, can form into a bouncing ball, can form into a kite in order to glide short distances, and can make subtle alterations such as disguises. He can dissolve his body into a puddle capable of flowing into any opening, assume any geometric shape, and become as thin as paper. The unusual nature of Richards' physiology provides him with resistance to most forms of injury. Character created by Marvel Comics. Page setup by Mathew R. Ignash - Last Updated - September, 2001