Name: Orion Val Char Cost 110 STR 100 43 DEX 99 60 CON 100 30 BODY 40 28 INT 18 38 EGO 56 25 PRE 15 6/24 COM -2 67 PD 45 57 ED 45 7 SPD 17 34 REC 0 120 END 0 115 STUN 0 Characteristic Rolls: STR: 31-, DEX: 18-, CON: 21-, INT: 15-, EGO: 17-, PER: 15- Run: 6", Swim: 2", Jump: 22", Lift: 100 kton Cost Powers END/Roll 6 +18 COM; Limited Power: Not when enraged: -½ 45 Damage Resistance (45 PD/45 ED) 30 Regeneration (3 BODY/Turn); Regenerate: Standard, +0 6 Life Support; Special Effect: Light (3) Immune to Disease; Special Effect: Light (3) Immune to Aging; Special Effect: Light 15 Elemental Control (37-pt reserve); Special Effect: ASTRO-GLIDER; OAF: -1; Focus Mobility: Bulky, -½ a-22 25d6 Energy Blast; Range: 625; Versus: PD; Special Effect: Concussive Blast; OAF: -1; Focus Mobility: Bulky, -½; Special Effect: ASTRO-GLIDER; OAF: -1; Focus Mobility: Bulky, -½ 12 b-9 6½d6 Flash (Normal Sight, Sight); Range: 375; OAF: -1; Focus Mobility: Bulky, -½; Special Effect: ASTRO-GLIDER; OAF: -1; Focus Mobility: Bulky, -½ 7 c-14 Telekinesis (STR 65); Range: 485; Manipulation: Coarse, +0; Affects All Parts: -¼; Special Effect: Magnetism; OAF: -1; Focus Mobility: Bulky, -½; Special Effect: ASTRO-GLIDER; 10 d-13 30" Flight (NC: 3750"); Non-Combat Multiplier: ×125, +30; Non-Combat (MPH): 9,765; Special Effect: Gravity; OAF: -1; Focus Mobility: Bulky, -½; Special Effect: ASTRO-GLIDER; OAF: -1; Focus Mobility: Bulky, -½ 6 8 Life Support: (provided by the Astro-Glider); OAF: -1; Focus Mobility: Bulky, -½ (4) Need Not Breathe; OAF: -1; Focus Mobility: Bulky, -½ (1) Life Support: High Pressure/Vacuum; OAF: -1; Focus Mobility: Bulky, -½ (1) Life Support: High Radiation; OAF: -1; Focus Mobility: Bulky, -½ (1) Life Support: Intense Heat/Cold; OAF: -1; Focus Mobility: Bulky, -½ (1) Immune to Disease; OAF: -1; Focus Mobility: Bulky, -½ Cost Skills, Talents, Perks Roll 3 Area Knowledge: Apokolips 15- 3 Area Knowledge: New Genesis 15- 2 Contact: Misc Apokolips Scumbuckets; Usefulness: Normal, +0 11- 2 Contact: Ruling Heirarchy of New Genesis; Usefulness: Normal, +0 11- 10 Resistance (+10 to EGO Rolls) 32 +4 level w/All Combat 20 +4 level w/Hand-to-Hand 12 +4 level w/ASTRO-GLIDER Weapons 19 Weapon Familiarities (2) Common Melee Weapons (2) Common Missile Weapons (2) Small Arms (2) Heavy Weapons (1) Flails (1) Lances (1) Quarterstaff (1) Whip (1) Sling (1) Staff Sling (1) Flamethrowers (1) Grenade Launchers (1) Heavy Machine Guns (1) Rocket Launchers (1) Man-guided Missiles GADGETS 0 Follower: Mother Box (see below) (1, 0 pts, 0 Disad.); Number: 1, +0; Get real. This is a god box. There's a sloppy, ill-conceived attempt at the bottom of this document. [No points have been spent by the character to have this - it just seemed wrong] 100+ Disadvantages 10 Berserk: When in combat (11-, 14-, Enraged Only); Circumstances: Very Common, +15 15 Hunted: Minions of Darkseid (11-); Capabilities: As Powerful, 10; Non-combat Influence: None, +0; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Actions: Hunting, ×1; Punishment: Harsh, 0 10 Watched: Darkseid (11-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: None, +0; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Actions: Only Watching, ×½; Punishment: Harsh, 0 15 Psych. Lim.: Moody (Very Common, Moderate) 15 Psych. Lim.: Only happy when fighting (Common, Strong) 640 Other: Kirby Bonus OCV: 14; DCV: 14; ECV: 13; Mental Def.: 0; Phases: 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12 PD/rPD: 67/45; ED/rED: 57/45 Costs: Char.: 533 Disad.: 705 Powers: + 271 Base: + 100 Total: = 804 Total: = 805 Background: Orion is a tortured soul who constantly strives to temper his tendency towards wanton brutality with his love for peace and beauty. And though his violent temper often clouds his rational judgeent, he is still New Genesis's greatest champion. Height: 190cm (6'3"), Weight: 130kg (286 lbs), Sex: Male, Race: New God Appearance: Orion's appearance can vary extremely based on how well his Mother Box is controlling his rage. When calm Orion is a handsome, if sullen looking red-head; as his rage takes control he begins to show some of his father's (Darkseid) traits and features. Name: Mother Box -or a poor facsimile Val Char Cost 20 INT 10 10 DEX 0 12 EGO 4 2 SPD 0 Characteristic Rolls: STR: 9-, DEX: 11-, CON: 9-, INT: 13-, EGO: 11-, PER: 13- Run: 6", Swim: 2", Jump: 0", Lift: 25kg Cost Powers END/Roll 17 Detect (+6 to PER); Time Required: Instant, +2; Range: Touch, +0; Substance 10 360-Degree Sensing (Unusual Senses) 180 Variable Power Pool (90-pt Pool); Control Cost: 45; Change Powers as 0 Phase Action: +1 0 Variable Power Pool Powers 11 END Reserve (100 END, 1 REC/turn); Recovery Rate: turn Cost Skills, Talents, Perks Roll 35 Danger Sense (Against All Attacks, Immediate Vicinity); Works: Against All Attacks, +10; Range: Immediate Vicinity, +5 16- 33 VPP Manipulation 28- 100+ Disadvantages 25 Psych. Lim.: Enigmatic Motivations (Very Common, Total) 175 Other: Kirby Bonus OCV: 3; DCV: 3; ECV: 4; Mental Def.: 0; Phases: 6, 12 PD/rPD: 0/0; ED/rED: 0/0 Costs: Char.: 14 Disad.: 200 Powers: + 286 Base: + 100 Total: = 300 Total: = 300 ============================================================================ My basis for the powers and characteristics is a combination of Mayfair's DC Heroes RPG, DC Comic's Who's Who in the DC Universe, and my own twisted mind. Character write-up by John Desmarais. Copy and use as you will. Comments to