Name: Raven Val Char Cost 10 STR 0 18 DEX 24 18 CON 16 10 BODY 0 15 INT 5 23 EGO 26 30 PRE 20 22 COM 6 8 PD 6 10 ED 6 4 SPD 12 10/20 REC 8 50 END 7 60 STUN 36 Characteristic Rolls: STR: 11-, DEX: 13-, CON: 13-, INT: 12-, EGO: 14-, PER: 12- Run: 6", Swim: 2", Jump: 2", Lift: 100kg Cost Powers END/Roll 15 Elemental Control (Soul Self) (30-pt reserve); Can't use other powers when Soul Self active: -1 a-15 Desolidification; Reduced END: Zero, +½; Can't use other powers when Soul Self active: -1 0 b-22 30" Flight (NC: 60"); Non-Combat Multiplier: ×2, +0; Non-Combat (MPH): 89; Reduced END: Half, +¼; Can't use other powers when Soul Self active: -1 3 c-28 8d6 Ego Attack; Reduced END: Half, +¼; No Range: -½; Can't use other powers when Soul Self active: -1 4 d-35 Force Wall (16 PD/16 ED); Range: 500; Width: 20", +0; Reduced END: Half, +¼; Can't use other powers when Soul Self active: -1 4 65 Multipower (65-pt reserve) m-8 12d6 Telepathy; No Range: -½ 6 m-4 4d6 Telepathy; Area Effect (Radius): 2" radius, +1; No Range: -½; Emotions only: Seriously, -½ 4 m-12 12d6 Mental Illusions 6 m-2 4d6 Aid to BODY (Fade/turn, Max. 24); Range: 0; Affects: Single Power, +0; Side Effects (Raven loses as much BODY as she heals): 60/All, -1 2 m-4 +10 REC m-13 22" Teleportation (Long Range 176"); Increased Range: ×8, +15; Long Range: 176"; Long Range (miles): 0.21; Mass Multiplier: ×2, +5; Fixed Locations: 0; Floating Locations: 0 4 m-8 12d6 Mind Control; Communication: Verbal, +0; No Range: -½ 6 Cost Skills, Talents, Perks Roll 24 Danger Sense (Out of Combat, Immediate Vicinity); Works: Out of Combat, +5; Range: Immediate Vicinity, +5 13- 100+ Disadvantages 20 Code Against Killing (Common, Total) 20 Pacifist (Very Common, Strong) 10 After 30 STUN are used up only Soul Self may be used (Infrequently, Greatly) 20 Vulnerability: Killing Attacks (2× Effect); Attack: Common, +10 20 Vulnerability: Physical Attacks (2× STUN); Attack: Common, +10 20 Susceptibility - Other people dying (3d6 STUN/Effect is Instant); Condition: Common, +10 25 Hunted by Terminator (14-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: None, +0; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Actions: Hunting, ×1; Punishment: Harsh, 0 30 Hunted by H.I.V.E. (14-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: Extensive, +5; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Actions: Hunting, ×1; Punishment: Harsh, 0 5 Distinctive Features; Concealability: Easily, 5; Reaction: Noticed and Recognizable, +0 OCV: 6; DCV: 6; ECV: 8; Mental Def.: 0; Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 PD/rPD: 8/0; ED/rED: 10/0 Costs: Char.: 172 Disad.: 170 Powers: + 255 Base: + 100 Total: = 427 Total: = 270 Background: Editor's Notes: The character as I originally received it from Mike Orsoe ( was from a 1983 issue of Chaosium's _Different Worlds_ magazine. I assume the characters in the article were written to be current for that time. Unfortunately, they were also written for an older edition of the Champions game, and none of the powers had points listed, only a point total for the character. So what I've done is take the character and buy everything as closely as was possible to the original. This was complicated somewhat by the fact that I've never played Champions prior to 4th edition. I've retained the original values for the character disads in certain cases (which should be obvious) because not enough info is given to determine how much they are worth. The Multipower gave no indication whether it was multi slots or ultra slots. I made them multi slots to give her flexibility. The BODY Aid was originally a 4d6 Regeneration, UBO, takes as damage. The specifics of the Danger Sense, other than the roll, are guesses based on my knowledge of the character. Pacifist limitation. Not sure I'd give it 20, maybe 10. -- Mike The physical limitation about STUN was added by myself. It was noted that way, but not with the other disadvantages. ================================================================== Hero System writeup by Mike Orsoe (