Superman (Clark Kent) Val Char Cost 385 STR 370 98 DEX 264 103 CON 186 45 BODY 70 38 INT 28 17 EGO 14 60 PRE 50 20 COM 5 175 PD 98 175 ED 153 14 SPD 32 97 REC 0 206 END 0 290 STUN 3 Characteristic Rolls: STR: 86-, DEX: 29-, CON: 30-, INT: 17-, EGO: 12-, PER: 17- Run: 6", Swim: 2", Jump: 77", Lift: 3602.88 exatons (metric) [(3,602,879,701,896,400,000.00 kton (metric)] Cost Powers END/Roll 7 Density Increase; 0 END persistent, +1; always on, -1/2 1119 373"x2 NC flight; 0 END, +1/2 10 FTL, 1 LY/yr 175 Resistant PD/ED 175 PD/ED hardened x2, +1/2 120 7/8 res. physical damage reduction 60 3/4 res. energy damage reduction 192 0 END on STR; +1/2 150 Senses Multipower 15-u 6 1/2 d6 RKA; 0 END, +1/2 (heat vision) 12-u 10d6 EB; 0 END, +1/2; AoE cone, +1; explosive, +1/2; reduced by range, -1/4 (cold superbreath) 2-u N-ray vision, not thru lead 100 VP Pool cost 150 VP Control cost; cosmic, +2 100+ Disadvantages 15 Secret ID: Clark Kent 30 Vulnerability: x2 effect from magic 20 Psych: CVK 15 DNPC: Ma Kent (incomp, 8-) 15 DNPC: Pa Kent (incomp, 8-) 30 Susceptibility: 3d6/seg from Kryptonite OCV: 33; DCV: 33; ECV: 6; Mental Def.: 0; Phases: 1,2,3,4,5,6*,7,8,9,10,11,12* PD/rPD: 175/175; ED/rED: 175/175 * indicates phases with double actions Costs: Char.: 1273 Disad.: 125 Powers: + 2287 Base: + 100 Exp.: + 3340 Total: = 3460 Total: = 3565 Background: The VPP is to do all the little things like fly fast enough to go back in time, or be invisible, etc. Please note that this is the pre-Crisis planet-pushing Superman. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Write-up copyright © 1995 by Miq Millman ( Permission granted to duplicate and transmit, as long as this note is not removed.