Name: Thresher Val Char Cost 45 STR 35 20 DEX 30 25 CON 20 18 BODY 16 13 INT 3 18 EGO 16 25 PRE 15 10 COM - 20 PD 11 20 ED 15 5 SPD 20 14 REC - 50 END - 54 STUN - Characteristic Rolls: STR: 18-, DEX: 13-, CON: 14-, INT: 12-, EGO: 13-, PER: 12- Run: 6", Swim: 22", Jump: 9", Lift: 12.5 tom Cost Powers END/Roll 20 Mystic Mental powers EC 16-a 8d6 Mind Scan; only to find sharks or people he knows well 13-b 8d6 Mental Illusions, only to change appearance of water into desired shape (1/2) (bought as Mental Illusions instead of TK or Images because he projects across hundreds of miles) 7-c 8d6 Telepathy, only with Sharks (-2) 25 +20" Swimming, 1/2 END 10 10 PD/ED Resistant 3 Resistance -3 5 "Underwater Vision" (like IR; can see clearly underwater) 8 LS: Breathe water, and resist high pressure Cost Skills, Talents, Perks Roll 10 +2 in HTH 2 Lang: Shark 6 AK: Atlantic Ocean 15- 100+ Disadvantages 10 Public ID: As Thresher, real name, if any, unknown 15 Disinctive Features: Blue skin, fangs, green-black hair 25 Hunted: Forces of the Great Question (MP, NCI, 11-) 15 Physical Limtation: Limited knowledge of surface-dweller customs or morals 15 Psych: Searching for lost mother 15 Psych: No reluctance to kill 12 Enraged: In combat if blood is spilled, 14/11 20 Vuln: 1.5x STUN/BOD from Electrical 89 Experience and Mystery Disads OCV: 7; DCV: 7; ECV: 6; Mental Def.: 0; Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 PD/rPD: 20/10; ED/rED: 20/10 Costs: Char.: 181 Disad.: 216 Powers: + 125 Base: + 100 Exp.: + Total: = 306 Total: = 306 Background: "Being the son of Neptune and a mermaid, Thresher is not human at all. He is about 70 years old, and comes from the underground city of Aquatania, which belongs to a dimensional universe separate from our own. Thresher's mother still lives in Aquitania, however, her identity is unknown to him. Thresher's own home is a fortress hidden in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean [not bought as a base because it doesn't show up in the comic]." - Protectors Handbook Since his first appearance in Airman #1, he has confirmed his suspicion that what his mother passed through was a dimensional door, and is now devoted to finding another such door. =============================================================================== Character write-up by by Dave Van Domelen (