Name: Wolverine Val Char Cost 24 STR 8 27 DEX 45 28 CON 30 21 BOD 16 14 INT 4 15 EGO 10 24 PRE 14 10 COM 0 11 PD 6 12 ED 6 6 SPD 23 13 REC 0 56 END 0 47 STUN 0 Characteristic Rolls: STR: 14-, DEX: 14-, CON: 15-, INT: 12-, EGO: 12-, PER: 12- Run: 9", Swim: 2", Jump: 5", Lift: 696.5 kg Cost Powers END/Roll 3 EC: Mutant healing factor 3-a +6 STR 3-b +2 DEX 3-c +3 CON 3-d +3 BODY 17-e 25% P/E damage reduction 4 EC-adamantium skeleton 45-a 2 1/2 d6 HKA (3.5 d6 w/ STR); AP, +1/2; no KB, -1/4 8 END 2-b 6 PD armor; only vs blunt/crush, -1 2-c Clinging; sideways is 1/2 ground movement, -1/4; no ceiling movement, -1/4; 1/2 OCV/DCV while, -1 3 LS: toxins, poisons 3 LS: disease 6 +3" running 20 Regeneration-2/Turn 6 9-pt mental defense 15 Smell: Discriminatory, tracking Cost Skills, Talents, Perks Roll 3 Breakfall 14- 3 Lightsleep 6 AK: Canada 12- 3 AK: Japan 12- 3 Combat sense 3 Stealth* 14- 3 Survival* 3 Tracking* 12- 3 +1 to * 3 +1 PER 10 +2 H-t-H 15 Martial arts (var.) 1 Martial arts w/ sword 2 LS: German (c fl) 3 LS: Russian (c fl) 4 LS: Japanese (c fl) 3 KS: intel. agencies 100+ Disadvantages Real ID: Logan 15 Psych: "wild" (c, str) 10 Psych: Many lost loved ones and regrets (c,mod) 5 Psych: Holey memory (uc,mod) 10 Psych: Loner (c, mod) 20 Psych: Protective (vc, str) 10 Rivalry: Cyclops (rom., PC) 10 Hunted: Sabretooth, Deathstrike (as Pow, 8-) 10 Hunted: other villains (as Pow, 8-) 5 Dist Feat: skeleton shows on metal detectors (ec) 8 Enraged in combat (vc, 8-, 14-) 7 Watched: anti-mutant lobby (As, NCI, 8-) 10 Watched: Canadian government (More, NCI, 8-) OCV: 9; DCV: 9; ECV: 5; Mental Def.: 9; Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 PD/rPD: 11(17)/0(6) ; ED/rED: 12/0 Costs: Char.: 162 Disad.: 120 Powers: + 206 Base: + 100 Exp.: + Total: = 368 Total: = Background: Background/Personality Relatively little is known about Wolverine, mostly because a good deal of his memory has been falsely implanted and many people tied to his history have mysteriously disappeared. This writeup depicts Logan just prior to the Fatal Attractions series. Identifying Quote "I'm the best there is at what I do, and what I do isn't very nice." *SNIKT!* Powers/Tactics Wolverine's powers are centered around his mutant metabolism and the implanted adamantium. He is very quick and also quite resistant to damage. His body can fight off nearly every disease, poison, or infection. He is a savage and cunning fighter, and can engage his opponents at just about every level of hand-to-hand combat. His indestructible skeleton makes him more resistant to damage that would crush him, as well as giving him the razor sharp claws he is known for. Logan is also trained in a variety of armed and unarmed fighting skills. Notes I've adopted Steve Perrin's AP suggestion from AC #25. Assume that the HKA+STR is fully AP (i.e., count STR as 16 points AP (+1/2) for a total of 60+24 active) for an "11 DC AP" and not "8 DC AP, 5 DC non- AP." Logan's regeneration really should go in the EC by its definition, but regeneration is a special power and I wanted to follow the book as closely as was logical. His martial arts are a combination of commando training and a variety of Japanese styles he's trained in (I don't enough of his history to know the styles), but GMs using Wolvie should take a good range of maneuvers. One house rule I've used is the inclusion of poison as a separate Life Support. When writing, I tried to follow the formula of "he recovers from damage quickly, but doesn't ignore it." Thus, low defense, damage reduction, regeneration and high CON. I think that's about it. Enjoy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Write-up copyright © 1996 by Tim Larson ( Permission granted to duplicate and transmit, as long as this note is not removed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------