
"My favorite Hero System website since
John Desmarais, Web Master,
The Stuff Heroes Are Made Of
Welcome to The Stuff Heroes are Made Of, a reference
site for Champions The Super Hero Role Playing Game and
other Hero System role-playing games. At the bottom
of your browser window should be the table of contents (with what
I hope are self explanatory links to the rest of this site). If
there is not table of contents click here
(this, of course, assumes that you're browser support frames).
What's New (21-Dec-2001) - Hero Games (or at least the assets
thereof) has been purchased. The new owners are DOJ, Inc. The new line
editor is Steve Long. For full details, check out this message from
What's New (13-Dec-2001) - Now in the "Spoo"
section, more of my articles from Haymaker. Included in the new
articles, a complete magic system inspired by Ars Magica; advice
on converting characters from comics (and other sources) to Hero
System; and a bunch of creatures from Record of Lodoss War,
suitable for use with Fantasy Hero or other Hero System
What's New (3-Dec-2001) - Well, it's not 5th Edition, but it
is kind of cool. The new Fantasy Hero Book Collection on CD is on it's
way back from the replicators/printers.
What's New (29-Nov-2001) - More from the kids over at Hero Games.
Their hiniting around about announcing a release date early in December
(that is, they will make an announcement in December, not necessarily
release it in December). Source: Hero
Game Discussion Boards.
What's New (16-Nov-2001) - The kids at Hero Games are trolling
for interest in pre-buying 5th Edition as a means of financing a printed
book (as opposed to an electronic one). More
from Steve M.
What's New (08-Nov-2001) - More 5th Edition goodies. Check out
some sample pages.
What's New (01-Nov-2001) - Looks like the sale of Hero Games
by CyberGames is off. Check out Steve M's statement.
What's New (29-Oct-2001) - We have a nearly official statement
from Hero Games as to the format the new 5th Edition rules publication
will take. Check out Steve M's words.
Old News: Past news items about this
Want to be notified anytime this site changes, click
on Netminder.
Hero System, Champions, Fantasy Hero, Star Hero,
Justice Inc., Horror Hero, and a few other names that I missed are
trademarks of Hero Games, Inc. Any reference to Hero, the Hero System,
or any of the Hero System products should not be construed as a
challenge to the trademark status. The author is not affiliated
with Hero Games, Inc.
Disclaimer: Hero System, Champions, Fantasy
Hero, Star Hero, Justice Inc., Horror Hero, and a few other names that I missed are
trademarks of Hero Games, Inc. Any reference to Hero, the Hero System, or any of the Hero
System products should not be construed as a challenge to the trademark status. The author
is not affiliated with Hero Games, Inc.
